Early in the Devland Soweto Education Campus construction, a meeting was held at WACO Africa's offices with Mike Els and Darryl Voysey. Looking back, this was a fortuitous meeting. With a resolute yes to the request for formwork sponsorship, I was asked, "what else can we do for the project?" Stunned by the query, further discussion revealed that they might assist with site containers, supplied by WACO division, abacus space solutions.
During the 7,000 m2 Devland Soweto Education Campus build-out, abacus space solutions became a major sponsor, supplying all containers needed, from a visitor's center to storage containers, to a kitchen container (shown in the photo).
Today was a sad but happy day. Sad to see you go abacus space solutions but happy as we celebrate the soon to be completed campus project.
Our gratitude overwhelms.....you will be missed!
abacus space solutions... " here today, gone tomorrow "... a sign of progress.
abacus space solutions "on the move!"