That's right, you are looking at a mobile pump, owned and operated by TIBER Construction. And then there is Metier delivering the readymix.
This was a BIG DAY on so many levels. First and foremost, it was the last pour on the Devland Soweto Education Campus project, a mere 4 cubes. It didn't have to be such a BIG challenge for Deborah Terhune; however, she was not satisfied with one section of the apron, at the bottom of the pedestrian ramp. Determined to make it right, she reached out to Tiber Construction for assistance.

Support came from the Tiber executive and a number of their very skilled professionals.
The big challenge was getting the concrete to the bottom of the ramp. The ramp was completed with stainless steel railings installed by Steel Studio and pavers from Smartstone. To mitigate any damage to the ramp, Tiber was prepared to bring their mobile pump to assist.
Before & After

Tiber Construction, driving an
" extraordinary humanitarian response."